Equity Website Notice & Online Protection Tips

As you know, the security of your online banking experience with Equity Credit Union is a high priority.

Unfortunately, this month we were alerted that, our website, equitycu.com, fell victim to fraudulent activities as it was cloned by scammers. No personal information or accounts were compromised or accessed nor can be accessed or compromised.

Equity Credit Union takes the security of your personal information very seriously, and we want to ensure that you are equipped with the knowledge to identify authentic communications and protect yourself from such online scams.

Here are some key tips to help you distinguish between our genuine website and potential cloned sites:

  1. Check the URL: Always verify that the website address begins with “https://” and contains “equitycu.com” in the domain. Fraudulent sites may use variations or misspellings of our domain, so double-check the URL carefully.
  2. Look for the Padlock: A secure website will display a padlock icon in the address bar. This indicates that your connection is encrypted, providing a layer of protection for your data.
  3. Verify Website Content: Pay attention to the content on the website. Our official site will provide accurate and up-to-date information about our services, products, and contact details. Be wary of any inconsistencies or typos.
  4. Beware of Unsolicited Emails and Messages: We will never ask for sensitive information such as passwords or account details via email or text. If you receive any suspicious messages claiming to be from Equity Credit Union, do not click on any links and contact us directly to verify the communication.
  5. Monitor Your Accounts Regularly: Keep a close eye on your account statements and transactions. If you notice any unauthorized or suspicious activity, report it to us immediately.

If you have any concerns or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer support team at 905-426-1389 or info@equitycu.com.

Thank you for your understanding and commitment to keeping our community safe from online threats.

Tom Dimson,
CEO, Equity Credit Union