Hello Members, my name is Adil Qureshi; a loyal member of Equity Credit Union for over 15 years and a member of the Executive Board almost as long. I have held various Executive committee positions including the Board Chair, Vice Chair, Corporate Secretary as well served on Marketing, Nominating, Finance, HR and AGM committees. I am an I.T. Professional by trade with a degree in Business Administration (Finance) and currently make a living as a Consulting Project Manager for medium to large size Information Technology projects. I am a married father of two young adult boys.
I firmly believe in the greatness of Ontario Credit Unions and am a fierce proponent of value Credit Unions provide to their members in stark contrast to the banks. Our staff provides personalized service, willingness and flexibility to work with ever changing conditions our members face. All of my immediate family is a member of Equity and all of my key personal accounts (Checking, Mortgage, RRSP) are with Equity as well.
It has been my absolute honour and privilege to work alongside other like-minded, passionate and dedicated board members and I will like to ask you for your support in continuing to do so. I promise to continue serving you to the best of my abilities and dedication for betterment of the Credit Union while looking out for the best interest of our fellow Members.
I offer both cultural and professional diversity and have also completed training and various courses on Credit Union Operations, Risk Management Oversight, Governance and Ethics. These combined with over a decade of being a Board Member give me the confidence in asking for your vote.
Thank you,
Adil Qureshi