I am seeking re-election to the Equity Credit Union Board of Directors for a third term. During my tenure I have served as Board Chair and as a member in each sitting committee, including: Finance, HR, Marketing, Policy and Audit to deepen my understanding and appreciation of the workings of the credit union.

I’m happy to have contributed to the continued success of the credit union. While 2020 was unprecedented, the credit union managed to meet or exceed our financial targets set out in the Annual Business Plan.

I am particularly proud of the support we provided in 2020.Offering deferred payment options was in keeping with our core principle of serving our members. We have achieved above average results for five consecutive years and are clearly on the right path.

I am proud of the dedication and expertise provided by the Board of Directors. Our success is attributed to collaboration with our CEO, staff, and our relentless focus on our members’ needs.

I bring 15+ years of experience in director-level positions serving large corporations and hands-on management experience. If re-elected I will continue to serve with the commitment you all deserve from your Board of Directors.